Recycling in Geldeston

Community Composting

We would like to remind you about our parish composting scheme which was set up in 2006.  The group has earned so far well over £1000 in recycling credits, which are then offered towards projects affecting the whole village, such as renovations to the village hall.

This achievement is thanks to all those who sorted out and bagged up their garden waste for recycling, and to our increasing band of valiant volunteers who collect and process it.  We hope we can continue to work effectively this coming year and earn more for our village, with your support.   We would be glad to hear from anyone who can give an hour or two every so often to share out the jobs, you don’t need huge strength and stamina!   It’s possible to get a bit dirty, which only adds to the fun.   

This year weekly collections will recommence on Monday 12 April from approx 10 am (might be a bit late on bank holidays).  We will automatically collect from households who were in the scheme last year, but would like new participants to get in touch with us first for an information sheet and starter set of sacks.   

Please contact our co-ordinator Mrs Val Streames 01502 717290  who runs the lists for our participating households and volunteers or email brian for details

Geldeston Community Composting Group

Geldeston Community Composting Group spreads its wings over all manner of recycling.  

Some ideas:


► The composting group will collect RECYCLABLE LIGHT PLASTICS (HDPE or LDPE) and may be left by the entrance of 49 The Street and will be taken to a specialist recycler in Norwich by one of the volunteers.  

Plastics that may be included are: 

supermarket carrier bags (crinkly, stretchy, semi-opaque) mail wrappers, bread bags (flexible, stretchy, non-crinkly) 

multi-pack wrappers

6-pack rings

BUT be careful to exclude any gummed paper/price labels

Flatten a few at a time and roll into a sausage, and when you have a large carrier bag full leave it out with your compost.

►Lakeland kitchen products have an odour-free kitchen caddy (£4.99) for vegetable peelings etc, also a biodegradable liner (£1.50 for 10) which would be acceptable in our compost sacks.  Call Lakeland on 01539 488100 or visit

►Remember to take your EMPTY BOTTLES to the village glass collection bins in the Wherry Inn car park – this also earns useful recycling credits.  

►Geldeston compost makes an ideal soil improver, available from the processing site on Monday from 10-11 am.  Volunteers will gladly help load your car!

► Reduce the quantity of unaddressed JUNK MAIL by registering with (tel 0845 703 4599).  You can also otherwise write to the Royal Mail at RRBT-ZBXB-TTTS, Door-to-Door Optouts, Kingsmead House, Oxpens Road, Oxford OX1 1RX.

Remember to use your South Norfolk green bin to recycle

South Norfolk Collect Paper, Card, Plastic Bottles, Cans and Metal Aerosols Full List in the Green bin.

Recycle Glass in the bin by the Village Green ( The Parish Council receive recycling credits for collected Glass )